
Der Termin

Mit diesen Farbenspielen beginnt ein grauer Tag.


Viele sagen, man dürfe die Bibel nicht wörtlich nehmen.


Aber warum nehmen dann manche Leute die Bibel wörtlich und verschwinden in ihren Bunkern?


Woher kennen sie den Termin?


Offenbarung 6, 12-14

Na gut, diese Leute haben ja auch noch ihre Astronomen …


Natürlich kann man die Bibel wörtlich nehmen, aber du mußt die ganze Bibel nehmen und nicht nur einzelne Aussagen aus dem Zusammenhang herausreißen.


Lasst uns mit erhobenem Haupt zum Himmel schauen und aufrecht in der Freiheit stehen, denn unsere Erlösung naht sich.


Eine kleine Galerie vom grollenden Himmel – die Wettermaschinen machen da oben alles kaputt.

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Was soll das nur alles noch – so kurz vor dem Termin?

Kategorien:Sonnenaufgang, Tag X, Termin

62 replies »

  1. „Greenland“: Katastrophen-Thriller mit Gerard Butler kommt noch früher ins Kino

    … Ursprünglich für Weihnachten geplant und dann auf den 29. Oktober vorgezogen, kommt der Kometenhagel-Thriller nun schon nächste Woche, am 22. Oktober, in die deutschen Kinos. Wo der Film bisher in den Kinos lief, war er ein Hit. …

  2. TV Programm am 31.12.2018, alles RTL II

    5.40 Wenn der Mond auf die Erde stürzt
    7.00 Erdrutsch – Wenn die Welt versinkt
    8.50 Meteor Storm
    10.30 Stonehenge Apocalypse
    12.10 10.0 – Das Erdbeben-Inferno
    13.50 Die Vulkan-Apokalypse
    15.25 Blitzschlag – Gefangen im Gewittersturm
    17.00 Arctic Blast – Wenn die Welt gefriert
    18.35 Asteroid – Zerstörung aus dem All

    Ziemlich komprimiert, wie ich finde …

    • … 34 Habt aber acht auf euch selbst, daß eure Herzen nicht beschwert werden durch Rausch und Trunkenheit und Sorgen des Lebens, und jener Tag unversehens über euch kommt! 35 Denn wie ein Fallstrick wird er über alle kommen, die auf dem ganzen Erdboden wohnen. 36 Darum wacht jederzeit und bittet, daß ihr gewürdigt werdet, diesem allem zu entfliehen, was geschehen soll, und vor dem Sohn des Menschen zu stehen! …

      • Ich wollte nicht dazu verleiten, sich das Programm anzutun … fand es nur bemerkenswert, daß Filmstudios solche Szenarien immer wieder verarbeiten und offensichtlich dieser Sender heute den Auftrag hatte, es mehr als schwerpunktartig zu verbreiten.

        • Der Geist hinter dem Informationskontrollsystem weiß um „jenen Tag, der unversehens wie ein Fallstrick“ über alle kommt, die auf dem Erdboden wohnen. Deshalb sollen die Menschen sich unbewußt daran gewöhnen und es zu akzeptieren lernen, daß ihr Leben zerstört wird.

          Doch der Geist der Wahrheit erinnert uns daran, daß wir unsterblich sind. Durch Jesus können wir uns mit unserem Schöpfer versöhnen lassen und haben dann die Ewigkeit vor uns, egal was mit unserem Leib hier in der Zeit geschieht. Herzliche Grüße!

          • … akzeptieren lernen, daß ihr Leben zerstört wird …

            Ja, ich habe auch den Eindruck, daß die Menschheit in die Orientierungslosigkeit gestürzt werden soll, nicht mehr ein und nicht mehr aus wissen soll. Unter bewußter Vorenthaltung des Lösungsweges. Wohl dem, der die Illusion nicht mehr braucht, dessen Herz nicht von Hochmut geprägt ist und der bereit ist aufzuschauen …

            – Gott will seinem Volke Heil geben –

            14 Und er spricht: Machet Bahn, machet Bahn! Bereitet den Weg, räumt die Anstöße aus dem Weg meines Volks!

            15 Denn so spricht der Hohe und Erhabene, der ewig wohnt, dessen Name heilig ist: Ich wohne in der Höhe und im Heiligtum und bei denen, die zerschlagenen und demütigen Geistes sind, auf dass ich erquicke den Geist der Gedemütigten und das Herz der Zerschlagenen.

            16 Denn ich will nicht immerdar hadern und nicht ewiglich zürnen; sonst würde ihr Geist vor mir verschmachten und der Lebensodem, den ich geschaffen habe.

            17 Ich war zornig über die Sünde ihrer Habgier und schlug sie, verbarg mich und zürnte. Aber sie gingen treulos die Wege ihres Herzens.

            18 Ihre Wege habe ich gesehen, aber ich will sie heilen und sie leiten und ihnen wieder Trost geben; und denen, die da Leid tragen,

            19 will ich Frucht der Lippen schaffen. Friede, Friede denen in der Ferne und denen in der Nähe, spricht der HERR; ich will sie heilen.

            20 Aber die Gottlosen sind wie das ungestüme Meer, das nicht still sein kann und dessen Wellen Schlamm und Unrat auswerfen.

            21 Die Gottlosen haben keinen Frieden, spricht mein Gott.

            (aus Jesaja 57;

  3. „… Gregor XIII. förderte Wissenschaft und Bildung, reformierte den Kalender, bemühte sich um die Wiedergewinnung verlorener Gebiete des Kirchenstaats und war eine der zentralen Figuren der Gegenreformation. In sein Pontifikat fällt die Bartholomäusnacht in Frankreich, die er ausdrücklich begrüßte.“ (Wikipedia)

    Ein römischer Antichristus (Vicarius Filii Dei) änderte Zeit und Stunde und verrichtet noch manche Schmutzarbeit auf dem Weg zur Weltherrschaft. Da sie an der Zeit herumschrauben, kennen sie aber auch die echte Zeit, als auch annähernd den Termin. Die Wettermanipulation kommt zu spät, der Termin setzt dem ein verlustreiches Ende. Diese korrupte Zeitrechnung, samt Kirchenkalender braucht man dann auch nicht mehr und kehrt zum Echten zurück.

    Das WORT benennt den Termin auch: 6 Tage / 6.000 Jahre, davon 4.000 Jahre Gesetz, 2.000 Jahre Gnade ab Golgatha. Die Saison zum Termin hat sicher angefangen.

    • … die Saison zum Termin:
      Immer seltsamer und befremdlicher, was uns umgibt. Neben dem politischen Raum, dem allgemeinen Sterben von Ehrlichkeit und dem Aufsteigen von „Bindungslosigkeit“ sehen wir gerade wieder Stürme und Erdbeben und in großer Schwingung befindliche Machthaber. Meine Gedanken dazu fielen auf Lukas 21, insbes. Vers 11, (Vers 9 + 10 iHa die Machthaber). Die Verse 25 – 28 mit Blick auf die „Ziellinie“ und die Heimat, auf die ich hoffe. Die Windlast nimmt also weiter zu, doch das Ziel ist zu erkennen!
      Liebe Grüße an die Leserschaft im neuen Format.

  4. Erdbeben in Italien: Mindestens 30 Tote in verschüttetem Hotel

    … In dem von einer Lawine verschütteten Hotel in der Erdbebenregion in Italien sind Medienberichten zufolge mindestens 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen.

    ​“Es sind viele Tote“, sagt einer der leitenden Rettungskräfte der Nachrichtenagentur Ansa.

    ​Die starken Erdbeben in Mittelitalien hatten schon am Mittwoch eine Lawine am Gran-Sasso-Gebirgsmassiv in der Region Abruzzen ausgelöst, die dort ein ganzes Hotel verschüttete. …

    • Die heute schon aktiven Soziale-Netzwerke-Kontrolleure bzw. Diskussionsmanager und zukünfig denkbaren Mitarbeiter in „Fake-News-“ oder „Wahrheits-“ Kontrolleinheiten mögen bitte auf ihr Gewissen achten! Wer sein Gewissen abtötet (durch lange wiederholtes Unterdrücken), der wird vielleicht von seinen Chefs kräftig belohnt, stirbt aber innerlich ab und verroht.

      • Über das IKS muss man sich keine Gedanken machen. Die haben keinen Schimmer was vor sich geht, oder ducken sich weg, wie 1933.

  5. US to ship 1,600 tanks to Dutch arms depot in ‘clear message’ to Russia

    … The US has started moving tanks to a storage facility in the Netherlands in a bid to “deter” Russia, amid the biggest NATO buildup in Europe since the Cold War.

    A total of 1,600 vehicles are due to be stored at a six-warehouse complex in the southeastern village of Eygelshoven, near the Belgian and German borders. The Eygelshoven facility was originally opened in 1985 during the Cold War, when it was used by US troops to practice drills in case of a possible Soviet attack. …

    – – –

    What should be Tomorrow’s Headlines?

    … Once the planet X .. NIBIRU is closer, then what ? First sightings will likely be in The month of December, 2014, or 2015 or 2016.. With the serious effects hitting within 4-5 months later! The same time frame, it had affected the globe previously. This estimate, is derived from the studies of 2 thousand years and 2 thousand documents. Soon everyone will be watching the sky for the NEW STAR, getting larger, NIBIRU, looking like a big single new star. .closer every day! Any smart dog should be watching, December ,for the next few years. …

  6. Eine Terminsache, kein Klimaproblem …


    … Noctilucent clouds in France are rare. Yet photographer Lericque Simon has seen them two nights in a row. He captured these electric-blue waves rippling over Wancourt, a small town in Pas-de-Calais, on July 6th:

    „Yesterday, I asked for more noctilucent clouds, and today I was rewarded!“ says Simon. „The NLCs this morning were much larger and brighter than the day before with spectacular waves.“

    Observers saw them in other European countries, too: Sweden, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and Romania. The sighting in Romania is significant because of its latitude–only 46 degrees. This means the clouds have spread south to mid-latitudes. … -July 6, 2016

    – – –

    Noctilucent Clouds

    … It means that NLCs are coming South, …

  7. Bob Fletcher Presents Irrefutable Proof That Planet X Is a Grave Danger to the Planet

    … Bob Fletcher is one of the more reliable journalists we have. His work on the Sonny Bono murder was beyond compare. So, when I hear Bob Fletcher say that there is really something to the threat posed by the so-called Planet X, I had to sit up and take notice.

    Bob believes that has enough evidence to conclude that humanity is really in trouble while the criminal elite are trying to hide the truth from the public. …

  8. NIBIRU: The Greatest Mystery Of Our Age

    … If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global mainstream media to tell everyone?
    If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate this information?

    If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
    Will they still go to work?
    Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
    Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?

    Herein lies the challenge that is faced by the World Shadow Government (WSG).

    Bear in mind that they know exactly what is around the corner. Their strategically-located observatories and high-powered telescopes give them access to scientific data and astronomical phenomena which is so compelling they feel they have no alternative but to:
    • distract us
    • deceive us
    • divert our attention …

  9. Planet X Is Being Quietly Shoehorned Into Our Daily Lives With Military Precision: Is The Alien Agenda Next?

    … A year or so ago the thought of NASA openly discussing Planet X on their web-site would have been surreal but here we are in 2016 not only discussing the mysterious planet but expecting a confirmation in the near future.
    Is there really confirmation of a NINTH planet in our solar system?
    It seems incredible to think but only a few months ago believers in Planet X were regarded as tin-foil hat conspiracy nuts who were regarded as nut jobs by NASA and the Military.
    But now NASA are not only saying a ninth planet may exist but are saying it will be confirmed in the coming months.
    However NASA must have known of the ninth planet’s existence for a long long time, a group of Caltech scientists do not upstage the billion dollar space giants, or the military, come to that matter.
    No NASA and the military have known about Planet X since it was first leaked into the conspiracy culture in the 1980’s and is now being shoehorned into our daily lives with military precision. …

  10. Discussions On The Mysterious Planet X: From Massive Underground Preparation To Strategic Relocation, Bob Fletcher, John Moore And Other Experts Discuss What The Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling Us

    … global government and their still-ongoing preparation for something huge with underground cities still being built and established to the tune of trillions of dollars. We’re also given more proof that all of the preparation that we have been witnessing across the world is quite likely for very good reason. Is ‚global government‘ now preparing for Earthly cataclysm? …

    … While ANP is undecided on the subject of ‚Planet X‘, we certainly understand why some experts believe we may soon be watching an amazing astronomical spectacle in our skies that has allegedly previously ended civilizations and caused ancient cataclysms. We also believe that any discussion of ‚Planet X‘ is not complete without stressing the aspects of its possible arrival that can be most used by anybody in almost any situation, even if this ‚mythical planet‘ is not real. ‚Planet X‘ does have a ‚practical application‘: PREPARATION! …


    … Astrologist, Ex Government officials, Political insiders are all saying the same thing… 2016 is the year we have all been hearing about. The return of Planet X or Nibiru to some, Wormwood to others. Is John Moore correct in his statements that Planet x, or Nibiru, Wormwood are actually on a close approach of Planet Earth? Research delving into the issue of Wormwood, Planet „X“, aka Nibiru. With Obama’s recent speech on Global Warming, take notice to what he also had to say about a possible end of life as we know it here on earth. Why was this said? With so many conspiracy’s of the end times coming already spreading around the world. Why make such a statement? …

  12. Eine Erinnerung: der Termin kommt näher – niemand wird ihn verschieben oder absagen können.

    PLANET X Caught on Camera in Marbella – End Times Signs 2016??

  13. via


    Everyone is hearing the sounds, now amateur astronomers are videotaping it and the main stream media is beginning to slowly mention it – the planet is getting closer. We have all the distractions in place, many which will actually occur. This is playing out exactly just as we have spoken about.

    We had the pope state 2015 would be our last Christmas, we had the Queen state 2015 will be the last Christmas – yet no one believes anything earth shattering happened in December. Why would two of the worlds primary figures say something like this, to instill fear, I think not. Soon, we will see the pope probably retire early in order to get himself home and in place.

    We need to be in place also, because when the chaos begins, where ever you are, that is where you will be stuck. I can actually feel the momentum building, feel anxiety building in the atmosphere around me and the frequency’s I have been hearing for a long time are now beginning to increase in volume.

    The new world system is in place, now all we need are the major events that will help usher things in and the implementation to begin. Start paying close attention to things in the background when prominent world figures are shown speaking at events, addressing current issues and attending events. I believe much of what we are hearing and seeing on the news and other media type sources right now may possibly be pre-recorded.

    Jan 26, 2016

  14. US-Wissenschaftler entdecken „Planet Neun“ im Sonnensystem

    … Der Himmelskörper sei etwa zehnmal so schwer wie die Erde, teilten Konstantin Batygin und Mike Brown vom California Institute of Technology am Mittwoch mit. Ihre Forschungen haben sie im «Astronomical Journal» veröffentlicht. Der vorläufig «Planet Neun» getaufte Himmelskörper umkreise die Sonne in durchschnittlich zwanzigmal so großer Entfernung wie Neptun, der derzeit äußerste bekannte Planet in unserem Sonnensystem. Damit sei er so weit von der Sonne entfernt, dass er für eine Umkreisung wohl 10 000 bis 20 000 Jahre brauche. …

    – – –

    Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet

    … Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles). In fact, it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun. …

  15. Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort

    … Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict. …

  16. The Top Five Reasons Why the Elite Are Accelerating Their Escape Into Underground Bunkers

    … An Increasingly Deadly and Toxic Environment

    Fear of World War III: China Is Willing to Start a War Over the TPP In Order to Isolate Taiwan

    The Possibility of Internal Strife Leading to a Guerrilla War

    Russia Is Willing to Start a Nuclear War Over Syria

    The Spread of Deadly Pathogens Leading to a Pandemic …

    • Ohne den Bezugskommentar vorher registriert zu haben, habe ich in der zurückliegenden Nacht einen Traum gehabt, in dem in einem Gebäude alles geschwankt hat und sich alle verunsichert fragend angeschaut haben … etwas später – in – diesem Traum kam ich gedanklich zu der Erklärung mit dem hier gelegentlich beschriebenen Himmelskörper.

      … Ansonsten kann ich mir den ganzen schon bestehenden Wirrwarr / Irrsinn in der Welt damit ein wenig (physikalisch) erklärbar machen. Wenn so ein „Ding“ auf uns zukommen sollte, dann muss es doch mehr und mehr athmosphärisch wirken und sowohl bestimmte Vorgänge wie auch die Gehirne aller Menschen beeinflussen.

      Zudem die ganzen „Beschattungsaktionen“, die vielleicht – auch – den Blick auf dieses „Ding“ verhindern wollen. Quälend lange Grauabschnitte und wohl unnatürliche Licht-Intervalle kosten so viel Kraft.

      Vielen Dank für den Hinweis von M. Quenelle, der die bestehende „Grauphase“ in einem zurückliegenden Kommentar in Zahlen gesetzt hat.

      • Die Existenz dieses periodisch vorbeikommenden Himmelskörpers ist eines der am brutalsten gehüteten Geheimnisse dieser Weltmacht, obwohl alles darüber schwarz auf weiß in der Bibel steht.

        Wenn die jetzige Zuspitzung der ‚Ereignisse‘ zum Jahreswechsel auf Kriege, zunehmendes Chaos usw. o.ä. – egal wo – mit Abschaltung des Internets oder drakonischer Zensur hinausläuft, kann man ziemlich sicher sein, daß dann im März/April 2016 die Geschehnisse aus Offenbarung 6, 12 beginnen, wenn nicht, haben wir noch ein oder zwei Jahre Zeit.

        Einige Monate vor dem ersten Durchgang der Erde durch die Bahn dieses Himmelskörpers wird dieser für Amateure, die wissen wo man ihn findet, mit bloßem Auge sichtbar werden. Diese Information soll AUF KEINEN FALL über Internet verbreitet werden dürfen.

        Die Informationen über diesen Himmelskörper sind in einer Flut von Verdrehungen unter dem Titel ‚Planet X – Nibiru‘ im Internet derzeit verschüttet.

        Ich erinnere mich an meine Jugendzeit, als wir Ende der siebziger Jahre zusammen mit meinem Vater darüber sprachen, damals durfte über dieses Thema noch geredet werden und es gab korrekte Zeitungsartikel.

        Die beste und verständlichste Annäherung an dieses Thema bringt Gill Broussard –

        Diesen Stoff sollte man JETZT LERNEN – mit der Bibel in der Hand. Wenn die Zeit gekommen sein wird, werden wir am Internet nicht mehr teilhaben dürfen.

        Und dann eines nicht vergessen: Wenn alles dieses anfängt zu geschehen, erhebt eure Häupter, denn eure Erlösung naht sich. (Lukas 21)

        – – –

        Auch in Deutschland wird es große Erdbeben geben. Ganze Erd-Platten werden sich bewegen und die dann wirkenden Beschleunigungskräfte werden jedes Hochhaus und Türme usw. zum Einsturz bringen. Der Herr hat durch Träume und Visionen seine Kinder darauf vorbereitet seit vielen Jahren, welche Dimension an Erdbewegungen und Fluten zu erwarten ist.

        Aber zuallererst immer an der Bibel bleiben!

        Möge der lebendige Gott Euch alle im Schatten Seiner Gegenwart bergen und im Messias Jesus bewahren.

        – – –

        Auch Bob Fletcher hat hier ein hervorragendes Expose zum Planet X Nibiru-Thema.

        – – –

        Und in diesem Zusammenhang heißt das wichtige Stichwort „das Zeichen des Menschensohnes“ (aber in der BIBLISCHEN BEDEUTUNG).

    • People are getting the arrival times lines incorrect because they are incorrectly researching the subject and are focused on September and the asteroid lie.

      The big big event, Nibiru. As we know, the NASA/Google discloser PHOTO and crop circles do relate to the planets approach (both man created). Of course, people are getting the arrival times lines incorrect because they are incorrectly researching the subject and are focused on September and the asteroid lie. Scripture: KJV, And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood. It is a MOUNTAIN going into the sea, not star, asteroid or meteorite. It will occur as it is written. The real question is: „Why are they showing us this now“? My guess is, that it is becoming impossible to contain the information and manage event timelines, and it has something to do with the Popes visits in September. …

        • SEAL-MAN via

          Navy Seal Explains the Big Event:I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions

          This is a loaded question I was hoping to put off as long as possible, there are events within events and this is very complex.
          I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions. I will provide basic key events and information, in layman’s terms, that will help those who choose to travel down the rabbit hole, to do so and research what I provide on their own.
          For a number of years this event has been shown to us in movies, example Melancholia, and other mediums, if you do the research you will find them. This, associated with the combination of dead scientists, astronomers and bankers, is the biggest cover up secret in world history.
          Many people believe asteroids will kick off a foreseen world calamity. Many have had dreams and visions of asteroids hitting the earth and hitting the oceans triggering off massive tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. In all probability, what they have dreamed and seen are correct, but there is a prelude, an event that begins all of this.
          In revelation 8:8 we read a mountain of fire is thrown into the sea, a mountain, not something from outer space, clearly a mountain, or it would describe something from outer space. If this mountain is of fire, that indicates a volcanic mountain, something from earth. Asteroids, is something that would come shortly after, sporadically for a period of time, and increasing substantially later during what is referred to in the bible as “God’s Wrath”, you don’t want to be here for that.
          Every several hundreds or thousands of years a planetary system enters earth’s orbital plane, when it does, it causes the earth to tilt, or rotate several degrees off its axes. When this occurs, it causes changes in the earth’s magnetosphere, ecosystem, and overall planet environment.
          Much of this event is depicted at several locations around the globe on cave walls, with artifacts etc, so it has clearly happened before (Noah’s Flood). The calculated time for this planet, and its accompanying moons and other planets, to enter earth’s atmosphere is now, within the next few years, and I am being very conservative with this estimated time. The government actually calculates it to be here/visible at the end of this year, and the effects being felt by the end of the first quarter of next year. This is why you are seeing all the pre-staging of equipment.
          Also, this is why you see CERN ramping up its activity, they actually believe if they alter time, they can hold things off or even possibly divert the event. Unfortunately, they’re going to make things much worse, adding a spicy sprinkling of hell creatures running around, a result from CERN opening the pit of hell. CERN is what I believe to be the key spoken about in the bible. In addition, CERN is being used to do other things, all extremely evil, but that is for another discussion.
          Continuing, world governments have known about this big big event for a very long time, and they have calculated, what they believe to be the correct preparation time for this event. Before the event, the world powers/military’s monitoring systems, evaluation programs, joint logistic networks and currency exchange systems must all be connected, up to a certain level, before the planetary system enters earth’s atmosphere. This is the reason for the historical military exercises around the globe, emergence of the AIIB, BRICS, CHIPS, massive seed banks, state size underground storage facilities and unprecedented amount of FEMA installations, the powers at be are scared to death.
          In addition, public control (martial law-via fanned civil unrest) must be implemented and working before the event, so when the first pass by of the planetary system occurs, creating total chaos, there is a manageable cohesive system in place to operate from after the destruction, and this is the New World Order, just as you have seen/heard about over the past many years. So, world governments are actually going to use the event to usher in The New World Order/world management system. It won’t go as everyone has agreed upon or predicted, they’ll be a lot of backstabbing and advantage taken of one another going on. Again, another subject in itself.
          So, what is the big event?: A planet and it accompanying moons, planets and debris entering our atmosphere and creating massive destruction and chaos. This is the ultimate reason for all the preparations, civil changes and world restructuring. Would I believe me if I was someone who has never studied this,or been a part of this or seen certain things occur first hand?
          The ultimate, and most important, answer to all your question is this: Have you accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your Lord and Savior? Repent and Believe that Jesus Loves you!
          Hope this helps,

          • Möge das (hier nun sehr ansatzweise) Wissen um diese schwere Thematik zu etwas dienen … zumindest um bei Zeiten (?) zu warnen, nicht auf die falschen Stimmen zu hören und ruhig (!) zu werden in Jesus Christus.

  17. Jade Helm Update: It’s About Mass Extinction Event Coming 2015

    … Those planes you have seen drawing white lines in the sky are part of a master plan. You have seen the results of the weather manipulation right outside your front window, but you didn’t know that the weather was created, not random. And it has been weaponized, for political power, and to control those who don’t bend a knee to the cabal running the show. Right now the Western part of the US, primarily California, is being droughted out, while the Eastern US is being kept artificially cold, so that we will deny global warming. We are being played for fools as “deniers,” because we can plainly see that it is cool outside our windows. The rest of the planet, not just California, is frying, and the arctic is nearly all melted. …

  18. Interview mit G. Broussard vom 1. Mai 2015

    J7409 Interview on Planet-X(7X) 1 of 5

    J7409 Interview on Planet-X(7X) 2 of 5

    J7409 Interview on Planet-X(7X) 3 of 5

    J7409 Interview on Planet-X(7X) 4 of 5

    J7409 Interview on Planet-X(7X) 5 of 5

    – – –

    Von GBs Seite:

    … Is Planet-X Real & Is It Biblical?

    My main focus is to inform viewers of new findings in the field of Biblical astronomy and how these resulting anomalies correlate to biblical records. Three years of research along with astronomical software models of each event that have a repeating overlay to a depth and degree to which the data cross-validated itself was beyond expectations! This site contains:

    1.) A representative portion of the information collected.

    2.) Charts, graphs and other data supporting the existence of a „mystery planet“ which I call Planet-7X (for 7 times Earth’s diameter).

    3.) There is very strong evidence indicating it’s IMMINENT END TIME APPEARANCE. …

  19. Navy Seal Explains the Big Event:I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions

    … This is a loaded question I was hoping to put off as long as possible, there are events within events and this is very complex.
    I’m going to explain the big big event as condensed and as clear as possible. This is a subject that is very complicated and leads to an infinite number of questions. I will provide basic key events and information, in layman’s terms, that will help those who choose to travel down the rabbit hole, to do so and research what I provide on their own.
    For a number of years this event has been shown to us in movies, example Melancholia, and other mediums, if you do the research you will find them. This, associated with the combination of dead scientists, astronomers and bankers, is the biggest cover up secret in world history.
    Many people believe asteroids will kick off a foreseen world calamity. Many have had dreams and visions of asteroids hitting the earth and hitting the oceans triggering off massive tsunamis and devastating earthquakes. In all probability, what they have dreamed and seen are correct, but there is a prelude, an event that begins all of this.
    In revelation 8:8 we read a mountain of fire is thrown into the sea, a mountain, not something from outer space, clearly a mountain, or it would describe something from outer space. If this mountain is of fire, that indicates a volcanic mountain, something from earth. Asteroids, is something that would come shortly after, sporadically for a period of time, and increasing substantially later during what is referred to in the bible as “God’s Wrath”, you don’t want to be here for that.
    Every several hundreds or thousands of years a planetary system enters earth’s atmosphere, when it does, it causes the earth to tilt, or rotate several degrees off its axes. When this occurs, it causes changes in the earth’s magnetosphere, ecosystem, and overall planet environment. …

  20. Die Räuber wissen, wer und was kommt: der Zerstörer! Wozu soll man sich um Straßen, Brücken, Schienen und Wasserwege kümmern, wenn sowieso kein Stein auf dem anderen bleibt?

    Von Räubern regiert

    … Seltsam nur, daß die öffentlichen Kassen immer dann leer sind, wenn es um die Erfüllung staatlicher Kernaufgaben geht: Die Polizei – krankgeschrumpft, die Armee – kampfunfähig gespart, die Straßen – marode, Schulhäuser – nicht selten Sanierungsfälle. …

  21. via


    … This is no surprise at all. I believe that when martial law is instituted, a few months later the world will change forever, everyone on the planet will be effected. I have been a trainer for 20 years, from spec ops, sniper (My pedigree:Carlos Hathcock was my instructor), emergency management, police operations and the list goes on.

    When you train troops, whatever you are training for needs to coincide/happen in short order/be used shortly after the training completes or your troops loose their edge.

    Again, I believe the rounding up will mainly happen after the big event. Yes, some will occur before hand, but limited.

    I also believe that the bulk U.S. personnel will walk away due to the magnitude of the event after emergency evacuations is exhausted, that is why there is so many foreign troops involved. Also, I see a percentage of foreign troops heading back home, what is left of it, because the event drives them to view things as „what’s the point“.

    What does this all create? It sets the perfect stage for the antichrist to come on stage, and he will come as a peacemaker for all nations/have all the answers (One part of The Great Deception).

    Apr 14, 2015 …

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