
Die goldenen Zwanziger (3)

In der Hauptstadt der Bewegung – ich meine der beweglichen Körperteile beginnt nun bald der Ernst des Lebens, denn die goldenen Zwanziger stehen wieder vor der Tür.

Voller Wohlstand ist die Welt, der fortlaufende Wandel funktioniert mit herausgreifenden Tiefforderungen ohne Mensch und Natur, verspielt allerdings eine Ausbeutung des Kampfes als drecknokratische Notwendigkeit zum offenen Wirtschaftssystem sowie Grenzen gegen alles und jedes, was von rechts kommt.

Von Experten empfohlen: die real existierende Realität.

Kategorien:Bodenhaltung, Freistil

3 replies »

  1. „It’s About To Get Very Bad“ – Repo Market Legend Predicts Market Crash In Days

    … For the past decade, the name of Zoltan Pozsar has been among the most admired and respected on Wall Street: not only did the Hungarian lay the groundwork for our current understanding of the deposit-free shadow banking system – which has the often opaque and painfully complex short-term dollar funding and repo markets – at its core… …

    – – –

    Hidden Failure of SIFI Banks

    … Consider Deutsche Bank which has derivatives in USD-Gold, in the Petro-Dollar, and in Interest Rate Swaps, with a tremendous book of loans to the Southern Europe PIGS nations. When BaFin tried to reduce their EUR 95 trillion derivative book in 2014, they might have set off a chain reaction, impossible to halt. DBank served as the Wall Street bitch boy back in 1998, absorbing Bankers Trust dutifully. Actually the story has become more clear, that DBank did not know the full extent of what they were acquiring. The Voice warned over two years ago that their stock share price would move under $1, under EUR 1. The path is obvious now. Also it was mentioned that DBank has eight business segments, and NONE is potentially salvageable. All will be liquidated to zero. The big venerable bank is broken, bankrupt, and worth zero. Imagine all the help they receive from the USFed and the Euro Central Bank. The panic that ensues when this fact is better comprehended will be a massive global rush into Gold, followed by central banks stockpiling Gold in their reserves, then finally a ten-fold rise in the Gold price past $10,000 per oz. …

  2. „Shadow on the Wall?“
    War es doch der Knabe, welcher uns wissen ließ: Die, die gewählt sind …
    und wessen Lied mag er nur jetzt singen?

    Der Advent steht vor der Tür,
    den wahren wünsche ich mir herbei!

    Alles Liebe,

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