
Die goldenen Zwanziger

Unsres Lebens Glanz und Fülle …

Fliegen und fliegen lassen …

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Hallöchen, da sind wir wieder …

Striche am Himmel …

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Stadtgestalten …

Mädchen so schön …

Berliner werden war nicht schwer …

Ich muss hier raus …

Kategorien:Bodenhaltung, Zeichen

6 replies »

  1. How Will the Next US-Russia Nuclear Standoff Turn Out?

    US-Russia tensions are at an all time high. Anyone speaking sanely and honestly is smeared as a ‚Russian agent.‘ In this environment, can disaster be averted?

    … In my seasoned opinion and in that of Stephen Cohen, with Hillary almost elected president branding the president of Russia as “the New Hitler,” with constant provocations and demonizations of Russia and her leaders, with the accumulation of nuclear-capable missiles on Russia’s borders, with an orchestrated Russiagate by US security agencies blocking President Trump from normalizing relations, things have already gone too far. The kinds of false alarms and miscalculations described above are more likely to have deadly consequences than ever before.

    Indeed, this seems to be the intention. Why else are people such as Stephen Cohen and myself branded “Russian agents” for telling the truth and giving accurate heartfelt warnings about the danger of such high tensions when neither side trusts the other? …

  2. Hillary Clinton thinks ‘God put her on earth’ to be president, former Bill Clinton adviser says

    … Despite a failed run at the presidency in 2016, one former adviser to Bill Clinton reckons Hillary is waiting in the wings for another try in 2020, claiming “She feels like God put her on the earth to do it.”

    Speaking to New York talk radio host John Catsimatidis on Sunday, Dick Morris said that Hillary Clinton is likely eyeing up Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, expecting the former vice president to drop out so she can take his place as the Democratic establishment’s chosen candidate. …

  3. SABOTEURS PART 10: High Strangeness, Hilarion, And The Babalon Working

    … Accordingly, one would expect a female child was to be born around 1947, and, indeed, such an influential feminist was delivered that year who may offer the most promise for identifying the fruit of Parsons’ infamous ritual.[viii] That would be none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton. Intriguingly, Parsons later referred again to “Babalon the Scarlet Woman” and this time by a particular name in his Book of the Antichrist. On October 31, 1948, a full sixty-nine years ago when the female child would have been only around one year of age, Parsons wrote that her spirit contacted him, calling itself “Hilarion,” who, he said, would become an international public figure dedicated to bringing the work of the Antichrist to fruition.[ix] Why is that important? Because the etymology of Hilarion is the arcane “Hillary.”[x] …

  4. Gefangen im Lügengespinst: Das deutsche Establishment und der Syrien-Konflikt

    … Und doch steht ihr Plan gewissermaßen stellvertretend für das immer offenkundiger werdende Versagen einer politischen Klasse, die sich in einem Gespinst aus Inkompetenz, Lobbyismus und Kriminalität verfangen hat und dabei zunehmend der eigenen „Wir-sind-die-Guten“-Propaganda aufsitzt.

    Moralisch aufgeladene Diskurse bestimmen die innen- und außenpolitischen Debatten in allen westlichen Ländern und haben das Bestimmen und Austarieren unterschiedlicher Interessen weitgehend ersetzt, objektiv zu Lasten der Fähigkeit der westlichen Gesellschaften, Probleme rational erkennen und lösen zu können. Auch das ist neben der Verbreitung von Unsicherheit, Gewalt und Chaos ein Element der sich vor aller Augen vollziehenden Auflösung des US-amerikanischen Imperiums. …

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