Makroökonomische Analysen


Sonnenuntergang in der Neuen Himmels-Ordnung

Makroökonomie ist bei den grauen Vögeln immer ein beliebtes Thema, besonders bei einem kleinen Schwätzchen unter freiem Himmel …


Die Drei von der Funkstelle

Die freie Strichwirtschaft – ein Grundpfeiler zeitgemäßer Elitokratie (1 – 3)


28. Januar 2015 – Der Titel meines heutigen Beitrages ist einem alten Märchen nachempfunden, das doch immer noch oft erzählt wird, es heißt “Die freie Marktwirtschaft” oder manchmal auch “Die soziale Marktwirtschaft”. Arme Sonne, du mußt das alles mit ansehen, wird dir da nicht wieder schlecht?
Teil 1: weiterlesen →     Teil 2: weiterlesen →     Teil 3: weiterlesen →

Ökonomische Irrlehren der Welt-Sekte


2. Juni 2014 – Fotos vom Himmel – heute ist der 2. Juni 2014. In diesen letzten Tagen sieht man wieder häufiger den real existierenden Dampf-Strich. Hier kommt zuerst der fast strichfreie Aufgang von Zentralstern Eins. Von ferne droht der erste Strich des Tages. Zentralstern Zwei ist noch nicht zu sehen. Weiterlesen →

Real existierender Strichozialismus

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20. März 2014 – Hammer und Zirkel … Sauber alles unter Kontrolle, Genosse? Gänsefleisch mal … Deutsch als erste Fremdsprache lernen? Aluminium von oben und die Stasi hat Alzheimer … Das heutige Thema nervt und wird deshalb aus Sicherheitsgründen beendet. Nur die Fotos gehen noch (endlos?) so weiter. Weiterlesen →

Die Spareinlagen sind sicher


12. Februar 2016 – Und Striche am Himmel gibt es nicht. Den Verlautbarungen vom Berg der Macht ist nicht zu trauen. Denn Macht macht kaputt. Experten-Meinung: Rost ist das, was übrig bleibt, wenn Eisen an der Luft nass wird. Du mußt eben aufpassen, daß dein Eisen nicht an der Luft nass wird. Weiterlesen →

Blitzkrieg, Chemwitter & Strichregen GmbH & Co. KG


27. Mai 2014 – Alle Zutaten sind angerichtet. Die Köche sind nicht ganz zufrieden, aber sie meinen, sie würden “immer besser”. Die Blitz-Seife wurde auch gestern schon verschmiert. Die Strich-Grippen-Suppe muß noch etwas köcheln, das Chemwitter ist sonst nicht richtig ‘durch’. Vorsicht vor dem Strichregen – warum? Weiterlesen →

Haste mal ’nen Groschen?


28. Juni 2015 – Systematisch wird nun unser überzogenes Anspruchsdenken zurückgeschraubt. Der Schöpfer läßt zwar die Sonne über den Gerechten und über den Ungerechten gleichermaßen scheinen. Doch für uns gibt es den Sonnenschein nur noch unter Androhung von anmarschierenden Hitzewellen und drohenden Angriffen aus der Sahara – dazu gibt es Anleitungen, wie man die Höllenhitze überstehen soll. Weiterlesen →

Haste mal ’nen Euro?


6. Mai 2015 – Ich hatte mal einen, aber der ist verrostet. Möchtest du den etwa haben? Ich dachte, du brauchst Geld … Aber sei bloß vorsichtig damit, der kann jeden Moment umfallen. Weiterlesen →

Das Wort zum Sonntag


14. September 2014 – Herzlich willkommen zum Wort am Sontag, heute spricht einer von den vielen grauen Vögeln. Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, lassen Sie mich mit einigen Fragen beginnen. Warum ist es so grau, so dunkel um uns herum? Warum sterben die Fische im Meer? Warum fallen die Vögel vom Himmel? Weiterlesen →



15. Juni 2011 – In dieser Welt ist bei jeder Art von Autorität Mißtrauen angebracht. Alle weltliche Autoritäten herrschen durch Lügen. Die einzige Autorität, der man sich unterordnen sollte, ist der Herr des Himmels. Der Herr des Himmels regiert in Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit. Unsere Unterordnung unter Seine Herrschaft befreit uns aus dem Würgegriff der Lügner. Glaubst du das nicht? Weiterlesen →

Fallender Felsen, die Ölpest und der Strichkommunismus


23. November 2015 – Ein prophetischer Essay – Fallender Felsen, der Häuptling des Reiches der Ölpest, ließ sich als Wohltäter feiern, nachdem er für die Anschubfinanzierung des Strichkommunismus gesorgt hatte. Unter der Ölpest sind wir nun alle gleich, nur einige sind gleicher. Das sind diejenigen, welche die Schutzräume haben. Weiterlesen →

Zeichen am Himmel


10. November 2013 – Unsterbliche, ewige Seelen – wohin geht ihr? Hier unten tobt der Drache: er ist wieder da. Dieser Talisman war schon früher einmal in jeder Hand und in jedem Beutel – zwölf Jahre später lag das Land in Schutt und Asche. Wessen Zeichen ist das? Weißt du es nicht? Hast du keine Vergangenheit? Weiterlesen →

Eine gewaltige Erschütterung

2. April 2010 – Von oben gesehen. Eine Stadt. Zeichen der Macht. Orte der Macht. Symbole der Macht. Wie lange schon? Ein Ort mit Geschichte. Alles hat seinen Preis. Bereite dich vor. Der Tag wird kommen. Weiterlesen →

39 replies »

  1. via


    … May 26th: topics covered include the Gold-Oil-RMB futures contracts in Shanghai as the most significant disruptive event in finance over the last generation, and its consequences, the dismantling with removal of Petro-Dollar monopoly in trade payments, and its consequences, the imminent failure of Deutsche Bank as derivative center and Saudi gold hideout, and its consequences, the role of Turkey in the gold market which includes Iran workarounds, and its consequences, the dreadful situation in Italy for its banking system with New Lira currency even EU exit potential, and its consequences, the potential for Gold solution in the three major currency crisis centers in Turkey, Italy, and Venezuela …

  2. Global Gold Supplies Getting Tighter – Rob Kirby

    … How long can this go on for? Kirby says, “Not much longer because the amounts and volumes of delivering physical gold are growing with time at a geometric rate. The demand for physical is growing too fast for the paper to be able to justify the false price discovery. There are fraudulently concocted prices of precious metals on the COMEX exchange . . . to keep these fraudulent prices on metal believable, COMEX has had to give up at least some metal to make their fraudulent price believable. At some point, this whole system is going to be exposed for the massive fraud that it has been for a very long time. . . . What does this mean to the average guy in the street? We could see physical gold and silver prices go Bitcoin. We could see the price of silver go up 5, 10, 20 or 30 times just like Bitcoin did in a very short space of time. I feel this is ultimately what is in store for precious metals prices.” …


    … How do you think it is going with the flipping of Germany to the east in a economic sense if not political. Do you still think this will happen? …

    – – –

    Russia & China Just Signalled The World That It’s Ready To Move Away From The Dollar:Bill Holter

  4. We Interrupt Your Weekend For This Special Bulletin

    … Our old friend, The Golden Jackass, reached out last week and suggested that he had some information and analysis that couldn’t wait for the next, three-day weekend podcast. Thus this special audio for your weekend listening pleasure.

    So what did Jim want to discuss? Primarily the fracturing global bond and equity markets and how the BIS has been preparing for a „debt jubilee“ and gold price revaluation for decades.

    I’ve learned that whenever The Jackass has a lot on his mind, it’s best to just sit back and let him pontificate with as few interruptions as possible…and that’s what we tried to do here. So, sit back and take it all in. There’s a lot of information in these 57 minutes and it will require your full consideration. …

    – – –

    Greyerz Just Warned The Global Crash Is About To Seriously Accelerate

    … As we get ready to kickoff trading at the start of a new week, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies, told King World News that the global crash is about to seriously accelerate. …

    … The top for stocks is in
    But studying the US stock market, using our proprietary cycle system, it now looks clear to me that the top is in for the Dow and for all the major US indices. The top was on January 26th and it was possible to predict already 18 months ago. If this is correct we will soon see a major decline in the US markets and also all world markets. This decline will be totally devastating as it is the end of a major cycle. We don’t see any important intermediate bottom until the summer of 2019.

    The dollar will fall hard from here
    Although the dollar has looked oversold short-term, this will not stop it from falling big. The dollar looks very weak and could fall precipitously from here. We have seen the end of the dollar empire, the petrodollar and the role of the dollar as reserve currency. We are not likely to see the first intermediate bottom until sometime in June – July 2019.

    Precious metals to start major rise
    Looking at the long-term charts of gold in most currencies since 2000, it is clear that the uptrend is very strong and that the sideways move since 2013 is now coming to an end. In several currencies like the Australian and Canadian dollars, gold is virtually at the peak. During 2018, we are likely to see a very strong move in gold in all currencies. Silver will move up extremely fast, a lot faster than gold. The imminent stock and dollar falls are likely to trigger an up move in the precious metals very soon. …

  5. 2018: Yearly Forecasts for Systemic Breakdown

    … This year will see the onset of the Gold Standard being installed, thus kicking the King Dollar and its reign of financial terror off the stage. Resistance will be enormous, but futile. Metal will dispose of paper. Three ancient empires in China, Russia, and Persia are cooperating to bring the Eurasian Trade Zone to life, in an unstoppable process. They will usher in the Gold Standard, first in trade payments, then in bank reserves, finally in currencies. The USDollar-based hegemony must be forced to yield one step at a time. Their cooperative efforts have made headlines for the past year in numerous developments and built platforms. The year 2017 set up the global stage with notable cracks, critical psychological damage to the current regimes, and significant progress in the Belt & Road initiative, the most important economic forum and conference table in a generation. The combination of the Shanghai RMB-Oil-Gold contracts form the most important financial construct in a generation, which will bring sunset to the Petro-Dollar defacto standard. The year 2018 will see the breakdown begin, work its magic in earnest, and work to alter the entire global power structure. It can be called the Global Financial RESET or the Global Paradigm Shift. It will wait no longer. …

  6. Give Thanks and Pass the Jackass

    … Following an initial, 30-minute discussion of the significance of the recent events in Saudi Arabia, The Jackass spends nearly an hour fielding questions directly from the audience. Among the topics covered:

    the growing economic conflict between the US and „the Eurasian Alliance“
    the Swiss banks and shortages of allocated gold
    reports of US intervention to allow ISIS terrorists to escape Raqqa
    that „The Big Reset“ has already begun, you likely just haven’t noticed
    the Saudi Aramco IPO and what it signifies
    Jim’s preferred asset allocation mix
    and, in true Jackass free-form style, a whole lot more in between …

  7. Greyerz – Explosive Setup In Silver As Debt Binge World Faces Two Grim Alternatives

    … “The dollar is dead but the world doesn’t know it. It has been a slow death and the final stages will be very painful for the US and for the rest of the world. The US empire is finished financially, militarily and also politically and morally… …

  8. A Labor Of Love With The Golden Jackass

    … When Jim and I recorded this back on Thursday, time was somewhat short. So, with this constraint in mind, I asked Jim to focus on two, primary topics:

    Since we last spoke in July, what changes have occurred in the world of US dollar hegemony? Is the China-Russia-Saudi connection accelerating the demise of the petrodollar system?

    The current US debt and political situation and how this will increasingly impact global markets as traders return en masse on Tuesday.

    Just two topics yet over an hour of audio? Yep, that’s how it works and you’re just going to have to listen to the entire thing if you want to unearth all the nuggets of knowledge that The Jackass has left behind for you. …

  9. Gobble Up Some Jackass

    … It’s a market holiday weekend so you know what that means….fresh Jackass for your listening pleasure!

    In this wide-ranging conversation, The Jackass and I discuss:

    the U.S. election results
    the roiling global markets post-election
    what the turmoil in the currency markets may suggest
    how changes in global interest rates will impact the global economy and markets
    the impact higher rates are having on hyper-levered balance sheets

  10. A Notable Hidden Force – Will Lehr Interviews Jim Willie

    … The truth is being revealed. A hidden force can be felt. It seems the tides of control are turning. Jim and I discuss the good guy/ bad guy saga. The JASTA vote and the subsequent lawsuit against Saudi Arabia are just the beginning. A highly publicized legal investigation of the official story of 9/11 is now underway. Pandora’s box is open. …

  11. Collapse of Dollar and Rise of Gold | Jim Willie

    Jim Willie’s forecasts currently playing out:
    – NATO is fracturing ►1:34
    – Russia and China are totally capturing Greece and Turkey ►6:07
    – EU commission becomes ignored and are becoming irrelevant ►8:51
    – RMB short term note will be launched with a gold backing that kills the US treasury bill ►13:17
    – IMF to back the SDR with gold ►21:54
    – Saudi oil sales and the death of the petrodollar ►30:03
    Past forcastes that played out or are becoming true:
    – Saudis to accept RMB currency from China (not quite yet, but OPEC nations in Nigeria & Algeria already) ►40:53
    – The US goverment confiscation of pension funds (in steps) (seen with US goverment worker pensions, lately with money market funds)
    – USTreasury Bond 10-yr yield decline to 1.5%, and later to 1.0% (first part done, second part in progress) ►53:38 …

  12. A Labor of Love from The Golden Jackass

    … Those three topics could be loosely described as:

    The Fed/Bonds/Derivatives/NIRP/EU Banks. This is the first 20 minutes or so.

    The G20 meeting in September/The IMF SDR inclusion of the yuan in October/gold. This evolves over the next 15-20 minutes.

    International rejection of US treasuries/The future of the dollar/Gold-backed bonds/Gold-backed trade notes. This is the final 25 minutes. …

  13. Global Economy Critical Condition Code Blue-Rob Kirby

    … Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says don’t trust the stock market’s rise to new all-time highs. The global economy is in terminal trouble, and Kirby explains, “My view of the financial system as it sits today is we are in an intensive care unit, and we have a lot of tubes and wires connected to us right now. The question you are asking me is how long is a person in critical condition in an intensive care unit going to live? I don’t really know the answer to it other than we could get a code blue any day. We could get a code blue tomorrow . . . code blue is when somebody has passed.” …

  14. Independence Day Breakout! Silver Has Begun HISTORIC Run-Up – Jim Willie


  15. Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and The Jackass

    … This was, as usual, great fun and extremely informative. Jim must have answered about 20 questions from listeners, covering topics as diverse as:

    The current status of DeutscheBank
    The impact of Brexit on the euro and NATO
    Turkey’s „reconciliation“ with Russia
    The coming paradigm shift in the global monetary structure
    Whether silver be included in any new, asset-backed global currency regime
    His thoughts on a proper allocation between gold and silver
    And much, much, much more. …

  16. Jim Sinclair-Next Crash Will Look Like Mad Max

    … Another big trigger is Germany’s deeply troubled Deutsche Bank. Holter contends, “I think they are getting thrown under the bus.” Sinclair adds, “They’re out of the club.” Holter goes on to say, “Exactly. Deutsche Bank is turning state’s evidence and ratting out the other institutions that have been rigging (gold and silver) markets.” Sinclair says, “Don’t forget, this is a crime. You are not talking about something as simple as fiddling with the markets. You are talking about a criminal act, and that carries with it outrageous potentials.”

    Sinclair says don’t expect central banks to come to the rescue as they did in the 2008 financial meltdown. Sinclair says, “Think of the entities that are supposed to be the rescuing mechanism for insolvencies and illiquidity. You can go down the entire list, and they are themselves illiquid and insolvent. What does the world look like after that? Probably, it looks like Mad Max and the day after.” …

    – – –

    The Jaw-Dropping Roadmap To $10,000 Gold And $500 Silver

    … But before the financial system implodes, there will be the most massive money printing program that the world has ever seen. They will need to print money in a final and futile attempt to save the bankrupt banks. With $1.5 quadrillion in derivatives outstanding, the printing presses (or the computers) will run hot. With Deutsche Bank’s derivatives at $75 trillion and JP Morgan at almost $100 trillion, only those two banks need support at 2.5 times global GDP. It is of course not just the financial system that will need support. Governments will run out of any significant tax revenue and will need to print money for all their expenditures. Soon there will be virtually no social security and no pensions. Remember that Japan already prints 50% of its annual expenditures.

    All of this printing will result in global hyperinflation of at least similar proportions to the Weimar republic or Zimbabwe with the dollar, euro, yen and pound all reaching their intrinsic value of ZERO. …

  17. Derivatives Expert Warns Globalists Ready to SHUT DOWN Entire Financial System!

    … The globalists seem to be running short of time, according Mr. Kirby, as he believes the algorithms that run the financial system, may be turned off in the not too distant future. When I say not too distant future I mean before the end of summer. …


    … June 7th: topics covered are economic & financial war against Russia and other enemy states who dislike continued usage of the USDollar, attack of Brazil and BRICS nations, some games possibly on the British Exit (BREXIT) vote, the abandonment sabotage theft of Saudi wealth, the other motive in USB & CS Swiss bank stories, paths for the USDollar before its replacement like a second Plaza Accord, the trapped corner for the USFed which dispenses lies, why 0% goes forever and why QE goes to infinity even though USTreasury Bond cracks are showing, Deutsche Bank as fuse for banking system failures, the constant war posture by the USGovt with certain war pockets, USMilitary lost superiority, high level negotiations to create USD-Gold pricing for handling trade settlement, and more on precious metals prices since the Shanghai mid-April date …

    – – –

    Jim Willie- GOLD 2016- Will China Send Gold Prices Into The Stratosphere?

  19. Unusual Forecasts ~ 2 Part Interview with Jim Willie

    … Don’t miss part 2 as we cover some fantastic info including censorship, dissent, and the threats of the criminal elite. Lucky for us technology is changing faster than the government can regulate or control it.

    Jim gives us some explanation of his ‘switchboard’ of information. From clients to connected sources to general website visitors, Jim is consistently pinged with unique and pertinent information.

    The new dollar introduction will coincide with a bail in. It will be an outright colossal theft and be blamed on the financial collapse. …

  20. Jim Willie: The Economic System is Collapsing Right Now

    … April 20th: topics covered include the absent potential for continuing the present financial system with rigged markets and printed money from central bank control rooms, how reliance upon QE makes for a death warrant on the USDollar and rejection of the global reserve currency, the growing non-USD platforms and movements and channels which will kick the USDollar to the curb and begin a new era with a valid defensible system replete with integrity, an end soon to heavy handed methods like wars and sanctions and derivative device creation of USTBond demand, upcoming disruptive key events like Shanghai Gold Fix launch and Chinese Interbank Payment System (CIPS = alternative to SWIFT), the futility of inflating the USGovt debt away, the high risks of continued inflation and undermine of other national reserves which push the community of nations into a Global RESET, which is a misnomer to the true action in return to Gold Standard …

  21. Egon von Greyerz: Der Tag der Abrechnung kommt – der globale Kollaps wird absolut entsetzlich

    Was also ist mit Draghi-Land? Nun, wir wissen, dass das Bankensystem in Griechenland, Italien, Spanien und Portugal bankrott ist. Aber Banken in Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland geht es nicht besser. Die Deutsche Bank ist für Deutschland zu groß. Deren wertloses Derivate-Portfolio ist 25 Mal größer als das deutsche BIP. Deshalb druckt die EZB Geld so schnell sie kann, um die Banken noch für ein paar weitere Monate am Laufen zu halten. Aber dies ist ein Rennen gegen die Zeit, welches die EZB garantiert verlieren wird. Und es wird vermutlich nicht mehr allzu lange dauern, bis die nicht gewählten Bürokraten in Brüssel ihre massiven Zuschüsse und Pensionen verlieren, während ihr megalomanisches EU-Projekt kollabiert.

  22. COMEX Default Is Coming Soon-Bill Holter

    … “Because the inventories are so small, silver and gold registered categories (at COMEX) total about $1.2 billion. That’s nothing in today’s world. That’s less than one day’s interest the U.S. pays on its debt. I don’t see this going for a long time because inventories are so small. . . . This whole suppression game on gold and silver was brought about to protect the reserve currency, the dollar, because gold is a direct competitor with the dollar. If the silver market blows up, and I shouldn’t say if, it’s when the silver market blows up, that’s going to blow the gold market up, and that is basically going to expose the fact the West is a fraud, that the gold and silver markets were a fractional reserve Ponzi scheme. That’s going to blow confidence, and you are going to see derivatives blow up all over the world, and markets will be closed in a couple of days.” …

  23. Biggest Financial Bubble in History Will Engulf World-Gregory Mannarino

    … It’s going to be a massive transfer of wealth to these financial institutions that are going to go short all of this. It is legal theft on a magnitude and scale that is unimaginable.” …

    … The latest fraud is the admission by Deutsche Bank that it rigged both the gold and silver markets with other big banks. Mannarino says, “Of course, they have to ignore it. They have no choice to ignore it. Why? It’s the system, and the system relies on one thing only and that’s confidence. They can’t allow the general public to understand there is absolute fraud involved in the biggest banks on earth. If the people start to get wind of that, then they are going to start to get afraid. Then, they will pull their cash out of these institutions and start allocating it into different things. They cannot allow the general public to know what’s really going on. …

  24. Tsunami of Dollars Coming Back to America Soon-Rob Kirby

    … Could there be a dramatic and overnight reduction in the value of the dollar? Kirby contends, “I think this is coming in very short order now. The trail of bread crumbs is indicating this is what is afoot right now.”

    Does that mean dollar devaluation and a bank “holiday” coming soon? Kirby says, “How quickly this happens is open for conjecture, but that is clearly the direction we are heading. We are unmistakably headed in that direction. The only real question is how long these criminal central bankers can MacGyver the system together and keep it together with elastic bands, paperclips and bungie cords. This is going down. This is going to happen. I think it’s going down in the next two or three weeks. . . .We’ve all speculated that this would eventually happen. Now we are here, and the clock is about to strike midnight.” …

  25. Das sind die 18 Teilnehmer des chinesischen Goldpreis-Fixings

    … Am 19. April soll es offiziell soweit sein: die Bildung eines eigenen Gold-Referenzpreises in Yuan an der Edelmetallbörse Shanghai Gold Exchange beginnt (Tickersymbol: SHAU).

    Die Preisfestsetzung wird den Angaben zufolge zweimal täglich (10:15 Uhr und 14:15 Uhr Ortszeit) erfolgen. Der Preis in Yuan pro Gramm wird sich dabei von einem 1-kg-Kontrakt ableiten. …–Das-sind-die-18-Teilnehmer-des-chinesischen-Goldpreis-Fixings.html

  26. Shanghai, Satanists and Celebration of Fire

    … The theme of this article is the arrival of April, the most significant month on the Satanist calendar and the month with an extremely long list of celebrated assassination and mass murder events that they boast of. Some events are well-known to follow the April pattern, while others are not. The relevance to the financial world is immediate, when one considers that the Chinese have a planned launch of the Shanghai Gold Price Fix, as well as the introduction of the Shanghai RMB-based Gold Futures contract, the date arranged at April 19th. This date is right smack dab in the middle of the week marked by the Celebration of Fire. What an incredible insult to the banker cabal, replete with Satanists like uber-leader Rothschild, if the fiat paper currency system centered upon the USDollar is upended by China during mid-April! …

    … 1) Poison the AIR with chemtrails, a Rockefeller project closely associated with Agenda-21, whereby the air is filled with benzene and aluminum particles. The former is pure poison. The latter advances Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, the radical rises already noted. The cover is global warming, a widespread ruse by the banker cabal to tax the air we breathe.

    2) Poison the WATER with fracking procedures done by Halliburton, where toxic chemicals are injected into the water table. They are protected by USCongress laws on what is injected. Also the ocean is rumored to be contaminated by Halliburton also, where they systematically dump radioactive cesium off the California coast, only to blame the noted cancer rise on Fukushima. Other fracking firms do not dump additional toxins like Halliburton.

    3) Poison the FOOD with Monsanto and their aggressive Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) program. It is rumored to be an elaborate virus delivery system with designed infertility in humans just like with crops (no seeds in crop output). The pesticides also produced by Monsanto are associated with vast sweeping deaths of the global bee population.

    4) Poison the MONEY with the US Federal Reserve monetary policy of Quantitative Easing, which is hyper monetary inflation in African style by any other name. The global reaction has been to bring the USDollar into a retirement and phase-out. The Jackass has been explaining for over three years that QE kills capital.

    5) Poison the VACCINES by directly infusing them with the disease they are supposed to protect against, with a few zinger extra additives like mercury and formaldehyde. In recent reports, they have been found to include immune system suppressants.

    6) Poison the ECONOMY with endless war, under the false flag of fighting terrorism, and under the ruse of fomenting color revolutions. The real motive is to interrupt the Russian energy supply to Europe, thus the Ukraine War, and to stop the Iranian gas supply to Europe, thus the Syrian War.

    7) Poison the SOCIETY with the Arab refugee influx, all sponsored by the Western Elite leaders, with national laws all bypassed. Their passage is routinely paid by USGovt and Soros Foundation NGO organizations, but the Austrian Govt intelligence revealed the connection. This critical step aligns with the 1900 Pike Cabal designed plan for creating a world war of Christianity versus Islam. The Jackass correctly forecasted a violent ISIS-type event in August 2015 in a major European city. It happened with the staged Paris deadly event in September, the next month. …

  27. 03.30.2016 / Dr. Jim Willie ZIRP / QE Destruction, Police State, more…

    … topics covered include the negative interest rate situation with deep perversion, the upcoming systemic Lehman-type event with several major global credit areas in breakdown, the ZIRP/QE monetary policy as a USDollar death warrant in a destructive end game, a general review of the Gold market on the Shanghai plans (Gold Fix and RMB-based Gold futures contract) with Sandhu’s observations about the gold-bank investment policy (use of gold kept out of the system like in temples), some events surrounding Turkey & Syria with respect to NATO (fracturing in core and fringe) and Russia with large scale black market oil and narcotics movement, the new China Interbank Payment System as a SWIFT bank transaction alternative to displace the USDollar system, the new extremely dangerous unstable phenomenon of Pentagon fighting hot war versus Langley mercenaries with implications, the staged terrorist events in Paris and Belgium with official security agency involvement, and the secretive shipments of Arab refugees into the United States using UPS aircraft (middle of night flights)

  28. Das Kartell bereitet die Grundversorgung für alle MARKIERTEN vor.

    How Negative Interest Rates Will Turbocharge The Migrant Crisis

    … Politicians and establishment economists call this scary idea “a basic income.” I call it sheer lunacy.

    It’s where the government gives you money just because. There’s no requirement to work or even display a willingness to work. You could sit at home all day, watch TV, and still get a check from the government.

    Simply put, a basic income is “free” money the government hands out to everyone unconditionally. …

  29. Egon von Greyerz: Der globale Finanz-Kataklysmus

    … Der wichtigste Grund für die Schaffung einer bargeldlosen Gesellschaft ist aber die Verhinderung von Bank-Runs. Das Bankensystem ist insolvent und bis zu fünfzigfach gehebelt; wenn man die Derivate mit einbezieht, sogar noch mehr. Das bedeutet, dass es gerade noch genug Geld für einen von fünfzig oder zwei Prozent der Kunden für die Auszahlung gibt. Wenn mehr Menschen versuchen würden ihr Geld abzuheben, dann würde die Bank ihre Tore schließen müssen, weil sie bankrott wäre.

    Wenn man Kunden jedoch davon abhält ihr Geld abzuheben, dann sind Bank-Runs nicht mehr möglich. Theoretisch könnten die Kunden ihr Geld zu einer anderen Bank transferieren, aber das würde ebenfalls gestoppt. Nun hat die Bank also Ihr Geld, sie fordert für dieses Vergnügen Gebühren von Ihnen und Sie können Ihr Geld nicht mehr abheben, weil es eingefroren oder konfisziert wurde. Das ist das, was aus dem bankrotten Bankensystem geworden ist. …



    … February 24th: numerous topics covered, from critical events in progress with factors leading to the systemic breakdown, but also including some nasty juicy stuff …

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  31. Cash Ban is All about Control-Bill Holter

    … So, when will the powers try and go cashless? Holter thinks, “I don’t think the public would accept it if all of a sudden ‘boom’ they flip the light switch and say that’s the end of cash. . . . I think the public would revolt, and it’s not doable. I also don’t think there is enough time left in the markets to get it done. The cashless society will result from either a war or a collapse in the system. It will be part of the new system. That’s how they will implement it. It will be after something big happens.” …

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